

Saints & Inspiring Lives

Saintly Rhymes Through the Year
Meghan Bausch
[Hard Paper] 21/08/2023

The Church's liturgical calendar provides families with a cornucopia of saints to celebrate...

St Benedict and St Therese: The Little Rule and the Little Way
Fr Dwight Longenecker
[Paper Back] 02/02/2002

Fewer saints could be more different than Therese of Lisieux and Benedict of Nursia. One was a...

Ignatius Loyola: Christian Mystic
O'Leary Brian SJ
[Paper Back] 01/09/2023

Interest in mysticism is increasing at a time when commitment to religious institutions is in...

Sheltering Saints: Living with the Homeless
Roger Quick
[Paper Back] 01/01/2022

A book of compassion, hope, and inspiration Short-format chapters, all based on true human...

Saint Clare of Assisi: Light from the Cloister
Bret Thoman, OFS
[Paper Back] 25/07/2017

Just as with his stirring narrative of the life of St. Francis, St. Francis of Assisi: Passion,...

Story of a Soul: Autobiography of St. Therese of Lisieux
St Therese of Lisieux
[Paper Back] 09/09/2010

This TAN Classics edition of The Story of a Soul by St. Therese of Lisieux, features the complete...

In Search of Julian of Norwich: New Edition
Sheila Upjohn

Few people, even in Norwich, knew anything about Julian when her 600th anniversary was celebrated...

How the Saints Shaped History
Randall Petrides
[Paper Back] 22/05/2023

In every era of the Catholic Church, holy men and women have shaped history through their gifts...

Walking with Father Vincent
Andrew McNabb
[Paper Back] 10/07/2023

Walking with Father Vincent is a montage of anecdotes, clippings, thoughts and insights...

Holy Women
Pope Benedict XVI
[Paper Back] 01/03/2023

From the earliest days of the Church through modern times, women have always played a unique and...

Angels in My Hair
Lorna Byrne
[Paper Back] 10/09/2010

When she was a child, people wondered why Lorna Byrne didn't seem present in the world around...

30-Day Journey with Julian of Norwich
Carol Howard Merritt
[Hard Paper] 22/06/2021

Enrich each day with wisdom from our greatest spiritual thinkers. Through brief daily readings ...


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