


The Life of Jesus: An Illustrated Rosary
Billingsley M.
[Hard Paper] 01/01/2010

This exquisitely beautiful book by Mary Billingsley presents the rosary for children, but I might...

The Romero Rosary: Praying the Mysteries of Faith with Our Lady and St Oscar Romero
Bishop John Wilson
[Paper Back] 17/12/2024

From the book: 'This book contains reflections on the traditional mysteries of the...

Praying a Scriptural Rosary
Nicholls Guy
[Paper Back] 29/09/2021

The Rosary is the quintessential Marian prayer of the Church, but Fr Guy Nicholls shows how it is...

Praying a Christ-Centred Rosary
Papandrea James
[Paper Back] 05/02/2021

The Rosary is one of the most recognizable of all Catholic devotions, yet many who love the ...

Praying the Rosary for Intercession
Catherine Odell
[Paper Back] 26/04/2012

Testimonies about the spiritual fruits and blessings that come from the Rosary have been shared...

Me and My Rosary: Theological Insights
Rev Justin John Dyikuk
[Paper Back] 01/06/2024

The book Me and My Rosary: Theological Insights, Moving Testimonies is borne out of the...

Pray the Rosary 4018
Lelen, J. M.
[Paper Back] 02/06/2002

Pray the Rosary by Catholic Book Publishing is the most popular and comprehensive pocket-sized...

Praying the Rosary
Hoagland Victor
[Paper Back] 12/06/2012

This beautiful book explains the history and devotion of the Rosary. The prayers of the Rosary,...

A Simple Rosary Book
Foley Donal
[Paper Back] 16/06/2014

Designed for those familiar with the prayer as well as for newcomers, this text clearly explains...

Praying by Hand, Praying with Beads: A Universal Form of Prayer
Ryan Thomas CSP
[Paper Back] 19/06/2019

By and large, the only reference most Christians of other denominations have for prayer with ...

Mysteries Made Visible: Praying the Rosary with Sacred Art
Lew Lawrence, OP
[Paper Back] 06/06/2021

Fr Lawrence Lew’s stunning photographs of sacred art inspire his contemplations of each...

According to Your Word: Praying the Mysteries of the Rosary
Bishop John Keenan
[Paper Back] 05/05/2022

From the Annunciation, when Mary received God’s invitation to become mother of his Son, to...


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