To most of us, Celtic culture is at once distinctive and enigmatic. Though we may acknowledge the...
In her late-twenties, feeling utterly overwhelmed by the pace of modern city life, Rosie Steer...
The life stories of the Celtic saints are inspirational. They demonstrate great and unassuming...
'David Cole is a careful, wise and skilful writer and guide.' The Revd Canon Professor...
Writing well over a thousand years ago, the Celtic saints and their followers who penned them...
A special twenty-fifth anniversary edition of the classic work of Celtic spirituality and...
A brand new two-year collection of daily readings and prayers, with Celtic themes and ...
A revised edition of this classic compendium of readings and prayers for every day of the year,...
'We have fallen out of belonging. Consequently, when we stand before crucial thresholds in our...
It has been seven years since the sudden death of John O’Donohue, bestselling author of ...
In this eagerly awaited follow-up to his international bestsellers Anam Cara and Eternal Echoes,...