Pauline Book Centre is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and adults at risk. This commitment directly relates to the fact that we are all made in the image of God and the Church's common belief in the preciousness, dignity and uniqueness of every human life. We start from the principle that each person has a right to expect the highest level of protection, love, encouragement and respect. Following on from the safeguarding reviews in 2020 we are committed to the One Church Approach to safeguarding by implementing the changes needed and ensuring we respond to victim/survivors promptly and compassionately. This policy outlines our approach to ensuring their safety and well-being in all our activities and interactions.
The purpose of this policy is to provide a clear framework for safeguarding children and vulnerable adults, ensuring that all sisters, staff, volunteers, and stakeholders understand their responsibilities and act accordingly.
This policy applies to all sisters, staff, volunteers, contractors, and anyone working on behalf of Pauline Book Centre.
It is the responsibility of all to prevent, whether by action or omission, abuse. Abuse in this policy refers to: physical; sexual; emotional; spiritual; neglect; self-neglect; organisational; material; psychological; financial; domestic or verbal. Additionally, behaviour which effectively results in modern day slavery or where there is evidence of discrimination or radicalisation, needs to be recognised and addressed as a safeguarding issue.
Core Principles
The Care Act 2014 provides the following principles for safeguarding adults:
Safeguarding Responsibilities
3. Sisters, Staff and Volunteers:
Everyone involved in the work of Pauline Book Centre has a duty to disclose to the Designated Safeguarding Lead any safeguarding concerns that have been raised about them.
Recognizing and Reporting Concerns
This policy must be applied in all situations where it is alleged, or there are reasonable grounds to believe, that a member of the Religious Community, lay persons, or associated volunteer or employee, has acted in one of the following ways:
The behaviours above are to be considered within the context of the different categories of abuse outlined above and further detailed guidance is specifically provided in relation to sexual offences against children, including both recent and non-recent offences, and possession and distribution of indecent images of children.
Additional guidance is provided by the CSSA in relation to the sexual and criminal exploitation of children by organised criminal networks.
Additional guidance is also provided in relation to adults disclosing abuse outside the context of the Church. If a competent adult explicitly refuses the making of a referral about abuse that occurred outside of the Church, consideration must be given to whether the accused person has access to children who may be at risk. In these circumstances, the name of the accused and details of the allegation must always be referred to the statutory authorities. This can be done without disclosing the name of the victim/survivor where they have refused consent to do so, or where it is not possible to obtain consent.
It is the policy of the Catholic Church in England and Wales to report to statutory authorities where a child or an adult is at immediate risk of harm, or there is concern that a child or adult is suffering or is likely to be suffering from significant harm or abuse, from somebody who does not hold a role within the Church. This includes, but is not limited to:
Responding to Concerns
If Pauline Book Centre becomes aware of a safeguarding issue, they should contact the RLSS Safeguarding Team and pass the concern and all associated documentation immediately. You should ensure the person who made you aware of the concern knows you are doing this.
The RLSS or Designated Safeguarding Lead at Pauline Book Centre who takes the case should:
When the concern needs to be reported to a statutory agency, the individual reporting the issue must be informed that the information will not be kept confidential, and that the details will be passed on to the police and any other appropriate statutory body. All sisters, staff and volunteers should be supportive of the individual making the disclosure but should not seek more details than necessary for an initial statutory referral.
Allegations or safeguarding concerns – When abuse is suspected, witnessed or a disclosure of abuse is received by Pauline Book Centre there is a requirement to report these allegations of abuse, and other relevant safeguarding concerns to the appropriate statutory authority including social services/the police within 24 hours.
In case of emergency – If a child or adult is in immediate danger, at imminent risk or requires medical attention, the relevant emergency service must be contacted via 999. Local Social Services should also be contacted at the earliest opportunity in the case of a child or vulnerable adult.
In case of non-emergency – In a situation when there is no immediate risk to a child or vulnerable adult and no requirement to make a statutory report, the Pauline Book Centre or the RLSS on their behalf will work with the individual to agree desirable outcomes in line with this policy.
In the case of a child - Referrals should be made to children's social care for the area where the child is living or is found. If a crime has also been committed, the police in that area should also be contacted. The referrer should confirm any verbal and telephone referrals in writing, within 48 hours, and obtain social care /police report reference details for inclusion on the relevant case file.
In the case of an adult - a person over 18 - Referrals should be made to the relevant body. If a crime has also been committed, the police in that area and if applicable the LADO, should also be contacted. The referrer should confirm any verbal and telephone referrals in writing, within 48 hours, and obtain any report references for inclusion on relevant case file.
When a person’s conduct towards a child or an adult may impact on their suitability to work with or continue to work with children or adults, the allegation must be referred to the Local Authority Designated Officer for safeguarding within 24 hours. Additionally, restrictions may need to be placed on the person’s role and remit while the matter is investigated for example they may be ‘stepped down’ from ministry or other conditions may be imposed pending the outcome of an investigation
Where it is believed that a criminal offence may have taken place, regardless of whether the accused person is living or deceased, the allegation should be referred to the police within 24 hours.
Training and Awareness
All at Pauline Book Centre will undergo Safeguarding Training in relation to both Children and Adults relevant to their role. The list below outlines the minimum standards for training in each role:
Pauline Book Centre will encourage and enable anyone with a serious concern, to raise that issue without fear of victimisation, or disadvantage.
If that concern is regarding malpractice, illegal acts, or omissions, at Pauline Book Centre or other religious institution relating to safeguarding, then the RLSS should be made aware.
The action taken by the RLSS will depend upon the nature of the concern referred. However, an investigation will be undertaken if appropriate, followed by appropriate action and written feedback will be provided, including a rationale documenting the reasons why identified actions have been taken. This can be delegated to the RLSS.
Primary responsibility for the management of documents and safeguarding case files lies with the Designated Safeguarding Lead / RLSS, who will ensure an accurate, auditable, and secure record of any safeguarding concerns or allegations referred to Pauline Book Centre are maintained.
This record will include:
All records are potential evidence in a criminal proceeding, civil case or statutory/public inquiry and must be stored in a suitable and retrievable format with an auditable record of provenance and integrity.
Review and Monitoring
This policy will be reviewed annually or more frequently if required, to ensure it remains effective and up to date with current legislation and best practices.
Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL):
Sr Elaine Penrice fsp
Sr Angela Grant fsp
Contact: Safeguarding@Pauline-UK.Org
[1] Safeguarding for charities and trustees - GOV.UK
[2] Safeguarding and protecting people for charities and trustees
Last reviewd 20/02/2025