

Moral Ethics

Dwelling with Dignity: Catholic Social Teaching and Homelessness
Suzanne Mulligan
[Paper Back] 15/03/2025

Homelessness is on the rise globally. As many governments leave the provision of housing to the...

Be Transformed: A Biblical Journey toward a More Just World
Kiel Micah D.
[Paper Back] 15/11/2024

Discover the ways Catholic social teaching and its biblical roots can guide us toward authentic...

Primer on Fundamental Moral Theology
Brian Thomas Mullady
[Paper Back] 23/04/2023

Here is the book that shows you the road to happiness through the wisdom of St. Thomas Aquinas ...

Green Theology: An Eco-feminist and Ecumenical Perspective
Van Montfoort Trees
[Paper Back] 31/01/2022

Green Theology is an urgent, far-reaching Christian theological reconsideration of the...

The Power of Ideas: Words of Faith and Wisdom
Sacks Jonathan
[Paper Back] 14/09/2023

From his appointment as Chief Rabbi in 1991, through to his death in November 2020, Rabbi Lord...

Dante's Christian Ethics: Purgatory and Its Moral Contexts
George Corbett
[Paper Back] 02/02/2023

This book is a major re-appraisal of the Commedia as originally envisaged by Dante: as a work of...

Morality: Restoring the Common Good in Divided Times
Sacks, Jonathan
[Paper Back] 23/09/2021

Delivering a devastatingly insightful critique of our modern condition, and assessing its roots...

Beyond the Pandemic: Spiritual and Ecological Challenges
O'Murchu Diarmuid
[Paper Back] 03/11/2022

In the three years since the onset of COVID-19 we are still reeling from the reality of death and...

Handbook of Moral Theology
Prummer Dominic OP
[Hard Paper] 22/07/2022

First published in 1921, Fr. Prummer’s Handbook of Moral Theology was immediately regarded...

Our Vision for Liberation: Engaged Palestinian Leaders & Intellectuals Speak Out
Ramzy Baroud & Ilan Pappe, Editors
[Paper Back] 31/03/2022

Our Vision for Liberation: Engaged Palestinian Leaders & Intellectuals Speak Out aims to...

A Good Life - At Any Price: New Threats to Human LIfe in Our Times
Dowsing Anita
[Paper Back] 29/01/2020

Life is the most precious possession anyone has. Nevertheless, in today’s society not...

Theology of the Body Explained Revised Edition
West Christopher
[Paper Back] 01/10/2007

With clarity and precision Christopher West unpacks the pope's weighty talks and translates...


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