

Religious Education

Lift-the-Flap Easter Stories for Young Children
Andrew J. DeYoung
[Hard Paper] 23/02/2021

Filled with delightful surprises on each page, this collection of Easter stories is sure to bring...

Blessings and Prayers through the Year
Elizabeth McMahon Jeep
[Hard Paper] 31/07/2004

Blessings and Prayers through the Year provides prayers and blessings for the many occasions and...

Framed Picture 83147 Irish Print

Product Specifications: Frame: 12 inch x 10 inch Singly Boxed Mahogany/Gold...

Celebrating Saints and Seasons: Hundreds of Activities for Catholic Children
Hunt Jeanne
[Paper Back] 10/06/2010

With humour and a prayerful spirit, Jeanne Hunt taps into her experience and creativity as ...

Saints Are Great! Inspiring and Heroic Lives for Key Stage 2
Clare Richards
[Paper Back] 01/02/2001

Saints Are Great! gives an account of 51 saints from across the centuries which make inspired...

Enriching Faith: Lessons, Prayers and Activities on Mary
Kathleen Glavich, SND
[Paper Back] 19/02/2016

Help children develop a lifelong love for our Blessed Mother with 32 kid-friendly lessons and...

Year in Colour: Primary Assemblies for Christian Festivals and Seasons
Rachel Nicholls
[Paper Back] 01/08/2007

The aim of this book is to make it as easy as possible to present creative and satisfying...

Welcome the Word
Joan Brown SND
[Paper Back] 30/09/2010

Welcome the Word contains celebrations of the Word for children for every Sunday of the...

Feasts and Festivals: All-age services for special occasions
Claire Benton-Evans
[Paper Back] 29/08/2012

The church's feasts and festivals are true all-age occasions when we welcome all sorts of...

Welcome to the Mass Poster Book w CD-ROM 17201

Large poster hardback book (A3) This resource can be displayed in classrooms.

Hear the Good News: A book of the Gospels for young people
Katie Thompson
[Hard Paper] 01/05/2001

A clear and straightforward version of the Gospels for the three-year Lectionary. While...

Introduction to the Liturgical Year
Inos Biffi
[Paper Back] 19/12/2008

Traces the life of Christ from birth to Pentecost, discussing the church calendar and its annual...


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