

Saints & Inspiring Lives

Julian of Norwich & Therese of Lisieux
Elizabeth Ruth Obbard
[Paper Back] 01/01/2023

A new book by Elizabeth Ruth Obbard to celebrate the 650th anniversary of Julian’s...

Fr Gabriele Amorth: Rome's Exorcist - The Official Biography
Domenico Agasso
[Hard Paper] 29/06/2023

“Among men, a special role is played by exorcists. They are like the tips of diamonds in...

Celtic Saints
Laurence Wareing
[Paper Back] 02/04/2020

They may be coated in layers of myth and pious anecdote but dig deep enough and the pioneering...

My Son Carlo: Carlo Acutis through the Eyes of His Mother
Acutis Antonia Salzano
[Paper Back] 02/03/2023

Since he was beatified in 2020, Carlo Acutis has been the subject of widespread interest across...

Carlo Acutis: A Saint in Sneakers
Mares Courtney
[Paper Back] 01/01/2023

How does boy from Milan who only lived to the age of 15 become a global "influencer for...

Women Mystics
Louis Bouyer
[Paper Back] 25/10/2022

Focusing on the lives and writings of five women mystics, the great theologian and spiritual...

Julian of Norwich's Literary Legacy
Luke Penkett
[Hard Paper] 31/03/2023

This book is a systematic linguistic study of, and commentary upon, Julian of Norwich's A...

This Present Paradise: A Spiritual Journey with St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
Dwyer, Claire
[Paper Back] 21/01/2021

Decades before Vatican II called for the sanctification of the laity, St. Elizabeth of the ...

The Story of Nano Nagle: A Life Lived on the Razor's Edge
Lyons Anne
[Paper Back] 25/01/2021

As Nano's journey unfolds it reveals how the steady and alluring presence of God became known...

Live While You Can: A Memoir of Faith, Hope and the Power of Acceptance
Fr Tony Coote
[Paper Back] 02/04/2020

Fr Tony Coote was just fifty-three years old in February 2018 when he was diagnosed with Motor...

Salt and Light: The Spiritual Journey of Elisabeth and Felix Leseur
Bernadette Chovelon
[Paper Back] 22/09/2020

Élisabeth and Félix Leseur began their life together in France as a carefree young...

Aidan of Lindisfarne
Simon Webb
[Paper Back] 09/04/2022

Sticking closely to the account written by the Venerable Bede, Simon Webb’s biography of...


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