

Various Ministries

Complete Order of Celebrating Matrimony D852
Bishops' Conference of England and Wales
[Paper Back] 06/01/2025

This booklet includes all the options for the Rite of Matrimony including a wider range of...

People's Celebration of the Eucharist
Fintan Lyons, OSB
[Paper Back] 18/10/2024

The Eucharist is more than just a rite performed by a presiding priest in the presence of a...

Catholic Social Teaching: An Introduction for Schools, Parishes & Charities
Raymond Friel
[Paper Back] 01/09/2023

Catholic Social Teaching (CST) is sometimes referred to as the Church’s best kept secret,...

Heart of a Disciple
McCarty J. Robert
[Paper Back] 05/03/2024

Discipleship is a great adventure, but at times we all need to nourish or rejuvenate our spirit....

Communal Discernnment: A Lamp for Our Synodal Journey
Brian Grogan, SJ
[Paper Back] 06/05/2024

This book is meant for groups - communities, parishes, institutions, couples, teams,...

Cultural Catholics: Who They Are, How to Respond
Day Maureen K.
[Paper Back] 15/10/2024

Over half of self-identified Catholics are regularly absent from the pews on Sunday. How do these...

Turning Wounds into Wisdom: Exploring the Message of the Sunday Gospels
Drennan, Martin
[Paper Back] 09/12/2019

The Gospels, Bishop Martin Drennan believes, introduce us to features of the face of God, each in...

The Parish Emergency Kit: Responding with Compassion when Tragedy Strikes
Hendricks Kathy
[Paper Back] 18/06/2018

When tragedy occurs, whether it be violence or natural disaster, the local parish is often a ...

Evangelising with Gentleness and Respect
Gallagher, Jim SDB
[Paper Back] 31/01/2020

Fr Jim Gallagher explores some of the Church's development in the thinking and practice of...

Becoming the Good News: A New Approach to Parish Evangelization
Sanem Michael
[Paper Back] 15/04/2023

Perhaps you have seen the signs of the times. Religious faith, on the whole, is declining, and ...

Theology for Ministry: An Introduction for Lay Ministers
Hahnenberg Edward P.
[Paper Back] 14/06/2014

Theology for Ministry is for beginning ministry students, seasoned lay leaders, and anyone in...

Pastoral Parish in the Modern World
Bill Huebsch with David Wells
[Paper Back] 04/08/2023

A planning workbook for today's Church! Many new and compelling approaches to pastoral...


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