

Saints & Inspiring Lives

Hope: The Autobiography
Pope Francis
[Hard Paper] 14/01/2025

The groundbreaking, intimate, and inspiring memoir from Pope Francis. Pope Francis originally...

Diary of Saint Maria Faustina: Divine Mercy in My Soul
Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska
[Paper Back]

The Diary of Saint Maria Faustina, Divine Mercy in My Soul, describes her revelations of Jesus as...

Dorothy Day: Spiritual Writings
Ellesberg Robert
[Paper Back] 01/11/2024

Dorothy Day (1897-1980), co-founder of the Catholic Worker movement, has recently been proposed...

Exorcist Files: True Stories About the Reality of Evil and How to Defeat It
Fr. Carlos Martins
[Hard Paper] 21/11/2024

One of the most in-demand exorcists in the Roman Catholic Church, Father Carlos Martins has been...

A Soldier Surrenders: The Conversion Story of Saint Camillus De Lellis
Susan Peek
[Paper Back] 30/03/2007

At last . . . a saint for strugglers! Soldiering, gambling, brawling, drinking. As a young man,...

We Are Only Saved Together: Living the Revolutionary Vision of Dorothy Day
Miller Colin
[Paper Back] 02/08/2024

In an era where social media metrics dominate our sense of connection and happiness, Colin Miller...

The Song of the Poor: And other stories from El Salvador
Greenan Tommy
[Hard Paper] 30/09/2024

A beautiful and often shattering account of Tommy Greenan’s time working as a priest in...

Saints Illustrated: From Paul to Mother Teresa
Dominic Connolly
[Hard Paper] 14/12/2023

In Christianity, sainthood is the highest state of holiness any mortal can achieve during this...

Francesco: A Story of St Francis of Assisi
Madeleine Pecora Nugent
[Paper Back] 17/10/2022

The story of Saint Francis of Assisi has been told many times. But never like this. Madeline...

Way of Perfection
St. Teresa of Avila
[Paper Back] 25/06/2024

Saint Teresa of Ávila, mystic, Carmelite reformer, and Doctor of the Church, is one of the...

Interior Castle: The Complete Original Edition
St Teresa of Avila
[Paper Back] 06/06/2023

An essential work of Christian mysticism St. Teresa of Avila was one of the greatest Christian...

Strangers and Nomads: Catholic Martyrs of England and Wales
Plunkett Dudley
[Paper Back] 15/10/2021

In Strangers and Nomads Dudley Plunkett provides an invaluable resource for devotions to the...


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