Book Launch / Tea, Chat & Signing
Pauline Books & Media regularly holds book launches which take different forms. Tea, chat & signing is always one of the most popular forms.
Bishop John Keenan of Paisley diocese launches his new book ACCORDING TO YOUR WORD: Praying the Mysteries of the Rosary through the Word & Art.
Bishop John and Sr Angela with the children of St Mary's, Greenock who took part in helping to make the launch of ACCORDING TO YOUR WORD so successful.
Bishop John signing his new book
Special thanks to the Little Sisters of the Poor, Greenock for their hospitality during the launch of According to Your Word. God bles you.
In addition to the wide range of book, music, visual aids, religious objects and cards you can find on this site (and the even wider selection in our high street centres), Pauline Books & Media can also:
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In-service topics
Praying Creatively with Children
"Relevant to my role as RE coordinator and very relevant to liturgical time of year and whole school class, prayer and liturgy."
Primary school RE Coordinator
Exploring RE Resources
"Excellent ideas to take back to school and share with staff."
Diocesan Primary School Religious Education Adviser
"Great ways to share our faith practically and inspirationally with our children."
Head Teacher
Enjoy a half day or full day retreat reflecting and praying creatively with Scripture. You will not only be enriched personally by the experience but also come away with a bag full of ideas of passing the experience on to the children in your care. Ideal in-service, team building session.
For further inquiries about scheduling a Day of recollection, in-service, book exhibition or to include Pauline Books & Media materials in an upcoming event, contact Sister Angela Grant, FSP: (telephone: 07752 860815)