

Prayer Resources

The Romero Rosary: Praying the Mysteries of Faith with Our Lady and St Oscar Romero
John Wilson
[Paper Back] 17/12/2024

From the book: 'This book contains reflections on the traditional mysteries of the...

The Jubilee Companion: Pilgrims of Hope
[Paper Back]

The Jubilee Companion Booklet 2025 is published in a collaboration with the Bishops’...

Periodical Magnificat Devotional ESV-CE
[Paper Back]

FEBRUARY ISSUE With Bible readings from the English Standard Version - Catholic Edition...

Parables of Prayer (Vol 5) SP58
Msgr Antonio Pitta
[Paper Back] 21/10/2024

In this fifth of eight booklets on prayer, Msgr Antonio Pitta delves into the parables Jesus told...

Prayer Jesus Taught Us: Our Father (Vol 8) SP61
Fr Ugo Vanni
[Paper Back] 21/10/2024

Since the early Church, the Mass has juxtaposed this praying of the Our Father with the Gospel...

Praying with Saints and Sinners (Vol 4) SP57
Fr Paul Brendan Murray, OP
[Paper Back] 21/10/2024

Fr Paul Brendan Murray, OP writes of how four great saints learned to pray with the aim “to...

Prayer of Jesus (Vol 3) SP56
Juan López Vergara
[Paper Back] 21/10/2024

Juan López Vergara offers a meditation on how Jesus always prayed, calling God Abba (Dad),...

Church in Prayer (Vol 6) SP59
Carthusian Monks
[Paper Back] 21/10/2024

This sixth of eight booklets on prayer, written by Carthusian monks from around the world,...

Praying with the Psalms (Vol 2) SP55
Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi
[Paper Back] 21/10/2024

Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi invites the reader to re-discover the Psalms, and in them the...

Prayer Today: A Challenge to Overcome (Vol 1) SP54
Cardinal Angelo Comastri
[Paper Back] 21/10/2024

In this first of eight booklets on prayer, Cardinal Angelo Comastri draws on wisdom and anecdotes...

Praying with the Bible: An Ignatian Guide
Nikolaas Sintobin SJ
[Paper Back] 16/10/2024

You can read the Bible. You can study the Bible. You can also pray with the Bible. Bestselling...

An Introduction to Prayer
Bishop Robert Barron
[Paper Back] 06/06/2024

Prayer fascinates us. Studies show that even atheists and agnostics sometimes pray. But what...


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