


Hopeful Realism: Evangelical Natural Law and Democratic Politics
Covington Jesse
[Paper Back] 07/01/2025

During a time when political conversations are marked by deep polarization and difficult...

The Risk of Hope: How to Talk about God in the World Today
Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle
[Paper Back] 30/07/2018

"Learn from the people. Remember that our way of saying 'God' is not the only way....

Why Aquinas Matters Now
Keenan Oliver
[Hard Paper] 07/11/2024

Thomas Aquinas is more than a medieval curiosity. He was a reluctant revolutionary, a scholar,...

Dwelling with Dignity: Catholic Social Teaching and Homelessness
Suzanne Mulligan
[Paper Back] 15/03/2025

Homelessness is on the rise globally. As many governments leave the provision of housing to the...

Revelation’s Geology: A Believing Geoscientist’s Investigation of Prophesied
Thompson Ryan
[Paper Back] 29/03/2024

Revelation’s second most common word is γ? (ge), the root of the word geology. Many ...

Be Transformed: A Biblical Journey toward a More Just World
Kiel Micah D.
[Paper Back] 15/11/2024

Discover the ways Catholic social teaching and its biblical roots can guide us toward authentic...

One Baptism, One Church? A History and Theology of the Reception of Baptized Christians
Hope Belcher K./Chace Nathan P./Turpin
[Paper Back] 01/11/2024

How do we understand the outer boundaries of the church? On the one hand, over the centuries...

Road to Wisdom: On Truth, Science, Faith and Trust
Collins Francis C.
[Hard Paper] 26/09/2024

From world-leading scientist and New York Times bestselling author of The Language of God, a...

The True Europe: Its Identity and Mission
Pope Benedict XVI
[Paper Back] 29/04/2024

"The ecological movement discovered that 'nature' prescribes for us a moderation ...

The True Europe: Its Identity and Mission
Pope Benedict XVI
[Paper Back] 29/04/2024

"The ecological movement discovered that 'nature' prescribes for us a moderation ...

Mind of Benedict XVI: A Theology of Communion
Declue Richard G.
[Hard Paper] 16/04/2024

Pope Benedict XVI’s legacy is incalculable. His contributions to the Church as cleric and...

Thought of Pope Benedict XVI: An Introduction to the Theology of Joseph Ratzinger
Aidan Nichols
[Paper Back] 27/06/2024

This important and illuminating book focuses on Ratzinger's status as one of the preeminent...


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