

Children's Liturgy

Welcome the Word
Joan Brown SND
[Paper Back] 30/09/2010

Welcome the Word contains celebrations of the Word for children for every Sunday of the...

Feasts and Festivals: All-age services for special occasions
Claire Benton-Evans
[Paper Back] 29/08/2012

The church's feasts and festivals are true all-age occasions when we welcome all sorts of...

Hear the Good News: A book of the Gospels for young people
Katie Thompson
[Hard Paper] 01/05/2001

A clear and straightforward version of the Gospels for the three-year Lectionary. While...

Thank God for Mass: An interactive book to help children understand the Mass
Sue Ellis
[Paper Back] 01/06/2020

-14 pages with many colour illustrations 210 x 297 mm card back - Just as lockdown begins to ease...

My Simple Mass Book Polish
Finaldi Pierpaolo
[Paper Back] 08/02/2017

The texts of the Order of Mass newly illustrated in an attractive, modern and child-friendly...

Children's Daily Prayer 2024-2025
Jonathan F. Sullivan
[Paper Back] 12/01/2024

Throughout the history of the Church, Christians have consecrated time by pausing at various...

Our Colourful Church Year
Kathleen Pearce
[Paper Back] 20/10/2021

We love to celebrate. We all remember birthday parties, with our parents, brothers and sisters,...

Jesus, I Adore You: Prayers for Children before the Blessed Sacrament
Sabine du Mesnil
[Paper Back] 20/01/2020

"Let the children come to me!” How can children be introduced to Eucharistic...

My First Missal 4102
[Paper Back] 11/06/2011

Contains the Order of Mass and specially selected prayers for Communion and Confession. 15...

25 Questions About the Bible
Miller Les
[Paper Back] 31/12/2012

An excellent, engaging 12 book series for young Catholics that fosters appreciation of Catholic...

Exploring the Sunday Gospel with Pre-School Children
Ainge Patricia
[Paper Back]

Exploring the Sunday Gospel offers an accessible resource for churches and parents alike as it...

My Little Missal
Roche Maite
[Paper Back] 09/06/2009

A beautifully illustrated step-by-step guide to the Mass which accompanies little children ...


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