Throughout the history of the Church, Christians have consecrated time by pausing at various...
We love to celebrate. We all remember birthday parties, with our parents, brothers and sisters,...
"Let the children come to me!” How can children be introduced to Eucharistic...
Every child knows what is celebrated at Christmas. But what about Pentecost and All Saints’...
Here's a delightful way to introduce your little ones to Jesus in the Eucharist. With its...
In conversations with teachers and catechists, we often hear the same request: What do you have...
This booklet provides a primer on children s Liturgy of the Word for those who are leaders of...
Besides basic prayers, this beautifully illustrated book includes important prayers such as...
This book, adapted from Praying the Mass which has been produced for adults, places the new...
Wanting to go deeper in your journey as a Messy Church leader or helper, or are you just curious...
One of 101 titles in the St. Joseph Picture Book Series, this book by beloved author Rev. ...
A simple explanation of the Mass for children. Illustrated in full colour.