Join Brother Francis as he presents the guidelines for a joyful life through the gift of the Ten...
Join Brother Francis in this inspirational and instructive DVD presentation of the seven...
Join Brother Francis as he follows our Lord on His way to the cross. This episode...
In this episode, children will learn how special and unique they each are to God and the blessing...
Join Brother Francis in this special episode that helps children observe the days of Advent in a...
Lent is a special time in which we draw close to God in preparation for Holy Week. We examine our...
Come with Brother Francis as he celebrates the life-changing power of the Mass in this...
Celebrate the wonder and joy of Christmas with Brother Francis in this heartwarming presentation...
Join Brother Francis as he introduces children to their heavenly friends, the saints! Learn about...
Come along with Brother Francis as he shows us what it means to be a true follower of Jesus in...
Join Brother Francis as he celebrates the power and splendour of the resurrection of Jesus Christ...
Join Brother Francis as he shows us what the Sacrament of Confirmation is, what it does, and why...