

Moral Ethics

Morality: Restoring the Common Good in Divided Times
Sacks Jonathan
[Hard Paper] 12/03/2020

We are living through a period of cultural climate change. We have outsourced morality to the...

Robots, Ethics and the Future of Jobs
McDonagh, Sean
[Paper Back] 01/02/2021

"I love my robot lawn mowers, my laptop, wifi, Google, Facetime, Whatsapp and the ...

Ten Commandments for the Environment: Pope Benedict XVI Speaks Out for Creation and Justice
Woodene Koenig-Bricker
[Paper Back] 01/07/2009

Seasoned author and journalist Woodeene Koenig-Bricker skilfully weaves together Pope...

Introduction to Christian Ethics: Conflict, Faith, and Human Life
Ellen Ott Marshall
[Paper Back] 18/06/2019

All Christians read the Bible differently, pray differently, value their traditions differently,...

Power of Truth: The Challenges to Catholic Doctrine and Morals Today
Cardinal Gerhard Müller
[Paper Back] 10/04/2019

That we might find support in the faith and overcome the present temptation to apostasy, schism,...

Euthanasia: Getting to the Heart of the Matter
Alton David/Foley Martin
[Paper Back] 05/06/2005

Examining why euthanasia can never be ethically justifiable, this book helps individuals and...

God, Stephen Hawking and the Multiverse: What Hawking Said and Why It Matters
Wilkinson David/Hutchings David
[Paper Back] 20/06/2020

'If you wanted to understand Stephen Hawking but couldn't face the maths, this is the ...

Common Sense Catholicism: How To Resolve Our Cultural Crisis
Donohue Bill
[Paper Back] 19/06/2019

This work analyses how the three key elements of a democratic society—freedom, equality, ...

Bioethics Matters: A Guide for Concerned Catholics
McQueen Moira
[Paper Back] 11/06/2011

Lay people today need to be as educated as possible in catholic teaching in bioethics due to ...

Dignity of Human Procreation and Reproductive Technologies
Pontifical Council for Life
[Paper Back] 05/06/2005

Anthropological and ethical aspects.

Facing the Issues: A Christian Approach to Moral Dilemmas, Social Concerns, Relationships
Cox John Editor
[Paper Back] 12/06/2012

Each of the 235 articles provide both background information as well as biblical and spiritual...

Universe and Mr. Chesterton
Paine Randall Scott
[Paper Back] 19/06/1999

In the present book, Chesterton's way of looking at the universe generates as much ...


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