Find healing through the path of contemplative prayer which is God’s self-communication in love and awakens within us our own need for transformation.
God has planted in our hearts an insatiable longing to love and be loved, that is, to love God, others, and creation with the very love of God. We know, however, from our human experience, that we fail to love as we desire with all our heart. In Healed by Love, Carmelite Friar Daniel Chowning, urges those in need of healing to seek refuge in the spiritual doctrine of St. John of the Cross.
The more we grow in love, the healthier we become. The doctrine of St. John of the Cross is one of healing and transformation of the human person. For him, the path of contemplation, which is God’s self-communicating love, is a journey of purification, healing, and transformation at the deepest root of our being where we can love God, others, and creation according to God’s original plan for us and grow toward the fullness of who God created us to be. In Healed by Love, those suffering in body and spirit may find comfort through the teaching of St. John of the Cross and the path of contemplative prayer.