Building upon the success of their first book, Guided Meditations for Catholic Youth, writer...
Student Activity Book includes reinforcement exercises such as matching, crossword puzzles,...
The Church teaches that Catholic life and teaching is formed, nourished, and deepened by ...
Dr Clare Campbell explores the concerns of the 'selfie' culture that makes our children ...
For Sunday School and Church leaders Martyn Payne gives you ideas and plans for creative...
The book describes how teachers and pupils put into effect some very simple changes to benefit ...
Engages children in a process of recognizing the presence of God in their everyday experiences,...
This newly revised edition of We Share in the Eucharist features attractive, contemporary new...
Janet Schaeffler offers great suggestions for talking to children about Jesus’ life and...
Allie Johnston offers great suggestions for talking to children about God: God's goodness, ...
From the very first "Who are you?" to the final "What other prayers does the ...
Enjoying art is all about responding to what you are seeing. Parents often lack confidence about...