

Lessons Prayers and Activities on Mary
Enriching Faith: Lessons, Prayers and Activities on Mary
Kathleen Glavich, SND
[Paper Back]

Help children develop a lifelong love for our Blessed Mother with 32 kid-friendly lessons and activities. This easy-to-use resource can help you teach memorably about Mary and invite your learners to deeper reflection and prayer.

Here are just a few of the many Marian subjects covered:

  • The meaning and origin of prayers and devotions, such as the Hail Mary, the Miraculous Medal, the Rosary, and the scapular
  • The Immaculate Conception (and what it really means!)
  • Important events in Mary's life such as The Annunciation, the Visitation, and the Flight into Egypt
  • Mary's titles, roles, and feasts, such as Our Mother of Sorrows, Mother of the Church, and Patroness of the Americas
  • Her apparitions at Lourdes, Fatima, and elsewhere, and what they mean for each of us.

Ready-to-go activity sheets reinforce every lesson, and the catechist background gives you plenty of informational support. Plus, you'll get help and inspiration for Marian prayer services, plays, art projects and much more. Whether you're a teacher, catechist, Sunday school teacher, parent, or grandparent, you'll find months of material to help you nurture a deep and abiding love for Mary, and help children strive to imitate her holy and blessed life.


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