The book tells the story of the lives of ten very unique people from the recent past. Each...
Based on several hundred letters exchanged between Robert Ellsberg and Sister Wendy on an almost...
In the late 1950s Bill and Win emerged into adult life from a society ravaged by World War Two....
The sudden and unexpected death of John Paul I in the papal apartments on the evening of ...
Lights for the Path introduces a range of hidden treasures from the Catholic tradition men...
Today the papacy remains one of the most influential, and also the most controversial,...
During the last five years of his life, spiritual leader and teacher Henri Nouwen became close to...
In This Beautiful Truth, Sarah Clarkson shares her own encounters with beauty in the midst ...
These remarkable stories transport us to places all over the world, including a convent garage in...
Thomas Merton was a Trappist monk and one of the most influential spiritual figures of the 20th...
What does it mean to be a Catholic woman? A Place to Belong: Letters from Catholic...
Walking with Ignatius is a celebration of 500 years of the Society of Jesus, as seen through the...