

Journey To The Cross And Beyond
The Journey to the Cross and Beyond: Stations around Lindisfarne
Mary Fleeson
[Paper Back]

The Stations of the Cross are a series of images that tell the story of the events leading up to, and sometimes including, the resurrection. The images are often presented alongside prayers and meditations and are intended to provide a preparation for Easter Day.

The Stations in this book will, I hope, guide and help you in that preparation. They follow the ‘Scriptural Way of the Cross’ developed by Pope John Paul II, with the addition of the resurrection (He is Risen) and are set around the village of Lindisfarne, Northumbria, UK. I have chosen to place this ancient and terrible journey around my home village but the meditations and prayers included could be used anywhere (you could find places around your own home or town or garden) and the book can also be used whilst sitting quietly.

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