" If St. Paul were alive today, he would use the greatest pulpits of modern progress: press, film, radio and television, to announce the thrilling discovery of the love and salvation found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. "
Blessed James Alberione
Our mission is to serve the Church, and with the Church to serve humanity by using every form of media of communication. Pauline Books & Media is an expression of this. Our work is not a job or career. It is a full-time, life giving commitment to following Jesus with ever fresh commitment, docility, passion and courage - everyday. We are writers, artists, musicians, film critics and broadcasters. You will find us on the air, online, and on the ground, doing in our own way what the Apostle Paul himself would do if he lived in our time: announcing Jesus Christ!
Fifty years before the Second Vatican Council declared that the media were “gifts of God” intimately linked with preaching, Blessed James Alberione had already gathered a group of aspiring priests and religious, along with lay collaborators, for what was then called “the Good Press.” More than one hundred years later, "Paulines" the world over are engaged side by side with lay associates (many of them members of the Pauline Family) in “proclaiming from the housetops” the message of the Gospel, inviting people to come to Christ and find rest for their souls.
The Media Apostle
The specific aim of this apostolate is the glory of God and the salvation of people's souls. It is the program of Jesus Christ and of his perennial life in the Church.
The sole ideal of a "Pauline" apostle is to have God reign in people's souls. It is, in other words, to have people submit their mind to God and thus to stir up faith…to submit their will to God...and to submit their heart to him, thus inspiring in them supernatural love of God, charity. The sole treasure it focuses on is eternal glory in heaven…a treasure that the apostles want essentially to guarantee, resolutely and relentlessly, for themselves, and to acquire it for their brothers and sisters, all men and women.
The Pious Society of Saint Paul gives its members a religious-moral, intellectual and technical formation.
Blessed James Alberione, Founder
The Press and Book Centres
Like oral preaching, the written or the imprinted form spreads the word of God. It copies it over and over, giving it access everywhere, even there where the spoken word cannot reach or cannot be retained unaltered. This is to follow God's way who gave us his divine Word in the seventy-two books of the Bible. It is to follow the Church's way, which, in every age, linked the imprinted form with oral preaching.
Our Centre provides a place where people can find respite and a helping hand to discover something that will help their spiritual growth and strengthen their relationship with God through what they see, read, touch or hear.
Our book centres are apostolate centres. The Gospel and the picture of Saint Paul testify to this. They are not shops, but a service to the faithful. Not sales, but apostolate through offerings. They do not have customers but co-operators.They are not businesses; they are centres of light and fervour in Jesus Christ.
Distribution centres are chosen and located in such a way that the faithful have easy access, as well as prompt and satisfactory service.
God, the Model of the Apostle
To not fall short in one's duty as a [media] apostle to give the true in doctrine, the good in morals and the beautiful in appearance, does not mean one has to [communicate] always about religion. One needs, however, to write [communicate] in a Christian way. The apostle, however, has to go further. His specific mission is to continue in time and space the work of God who is the author of Holy Scripture. God is thus the model.
Our Founder loved to relate the Gospel story of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes to the “multiplication” the Word of God undergoes when it meets communications media: thousands can be nourished with the same “loaf” of this Bread.
Press, films, radio, television, Internet: the heart of the Daughter of St. Paul desires to put every one of these at the service of the Gospel and full human flourishing.
"Since the very evangelization of modern culture depends to a great extent on the influence of the media, it is not enough to use the media simply to spread the Christian message and the Church's authentic teaching. It is also necessary to integrate that message into the "new culture" created by modern communications. "
St John Paul II, Redemptoris Missio (37 c)
The Canticle of Praise for the Media