



The Month of the Holy Rosary 

October Holy Rosary 2023
A Simple Rosary Book
Foley Donal
[Paper Back] 16/06/2014

Designed for those familiar with the prayer as well as for newcomers, this text clearly explains...

POSTER/CD  The Mysteries of the Rosary Set - CD-ROM with posters

4 posters each folded into six panels so that the mysteries may be opened either one by one or...

Rosary 60150 Resin Corded Children's/Multi Coloured

With Illustrated Booklet with a selection of Prayers Closed Size: 2 inch x 3 1/4 inch 16...

Rosary 60165 Green with Child Prayer

Product Specifications: Bead: 5mm Round Singly Bagged Green

Rosary 60166 Pink with Child Prayer

Product Specifications: Bead: 5mm Round Singly Bagged Pink

Rosary 6022 Wood Corded

Product Specifications: Bead: 4 x 5 mm oval Length: 10 inch Singly Bagged

Rosary 6112/PK Glass Pink

Product Specifications: 4 mm round bead Singly Packed Heart Shaped Box

Rosary 6285 Crystal Mother Teresa

Product Specifications: Bead: 5 x 4 mm oval With Rosary...

Rosary 61902 Metal Blue Enamel Miraculous

Product Specifications: Metal Heart Bead Size: 4 x 5 mm Blue Enamel Fill Singly...

Rosary St Benedict Brown Wood 6227/BR

Product Specifications: Bead: 8 x 4 mm Rectangular Singly Boxed With Rosary Card  

Rosary 62534 Olive Wood Round

Product Specifications: Olive Wood Bead: 7.5 mm Diameter With Crucifix

Rosary 6257 Mother of Pearl Oval

Product Specifications: Bead: 7 x 4 mm Oval Singly Boxed With Rosary Card

Rosary 6259 Mother of Pearl Oval Gold

Product Specifications: Bead: 6 x 4 mm oval Singly Boxed With Rosary Card

Praying The Rosary A Journey Through Scripture And Art
McBride Denis
[Paper Back] 01/10/2014

Stunning portrayals of each mystery of the rosary by master artists make this book delightfully...

The Secret of the Rosary
St Louis-Marie De Montfort
[Paper Back] 19/06/1987

Probably the finest book ever written about the Rosary; appeals to all ages. Shows the great...

Praying the Rosary for Intercession
Catherine Odell
[Paper Back] 26/04/2012

Testimonies about the spiritual fruits and blessings that come from the Rosary have been shared...

Praying a Christ centred Rosary
Papandrea James
[Paper Back] 05/02/2021

The Rosary is one of the most recognizable of all Catholic devotions, yet many who love the ...

Praying the Rosary Like Never Before
Sri, Edward
[Paper Back] 14/07/2017

Fans of Edward Sri’s The New Rosary in Scripture will love this updated and expanded...

Mary, Mother of God: In Search of the Woman Who Changed History
Grzegorz Gorny
[Hard Paper] 23/03/2023

The first extensive, thoroughly documented, richly illustrated account of the earthly life of the...

Mysteries of the Rosary D840
Fr Lawrence Lew, OP
[Paper Back]

Fr Lawrence Lew’s stunning photographs of sacred art inspire his contemplations of each...

Praying a Scriptural Rosary D841
Nicholls Guy
[Paper Back] 29/09/2021

The Rosary is the quintessential Marian prayer of the Church, but Fr Guy Nicholls shows how it is...

Large Print Rosaey Book
[Paper Back] 01/01/2004

This collection of well-loved prayers is the perfect prayerbook for anyone in need of larger...

According to Your Word Praying the Mysteries of the Rosary
Bishop John Keenan
[Paper Back] 05/05/2022

From the Annunciation, when Mary received God’s invitation to become mother of his Son, to...

Praying by Hand Praying with Beads
Ryan Thomas CSP
[Paper Back] 19/06/2019

By and large, the only reference most Christians of other denominations have for prayer with ...

O My Jesus: The Meaning of the Fátima Prayer
Bullivant, Stephen
[Paper Back] 30/06/2017

The so-called "Fatima prayer," O my Jesus, surely ranks among the Church's most popular prayers....

At Home in the Mysteries of Christ: The Grace of the Rosary
McManus, Fr Jim, C.Ss.R.
[Paper Back] 30/09/2016

If you have been a life-long devotee of the Rosary, or if you are coming back to the Rosary after...

My Rosary - Colouring Book
Virginia Richards, FSP
[Paper Back] 03/06/2003

These 20 colouring pages are perfect for the visual learner, or the child who loves to colour, or...

Rosary with Pope Francis, The: Scriptural Meditations on the Mysteries
Bergoglio Jorge Mario
[Paper Back] 01/01/2014

Let Pope Francis guide you through the Rosary with down-to-earth meditations. The Rosary with ...

The Rosary - Comic Book
Yang Gene
[Paper Back] 01/05/2003

The Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, and Glorious Mysteries come to life in this unique comic book...

Queen of Apostles Prayer Book : A Catholic Treasury
Mary Wickenhiser, FSP
[Leather] 01/08/2014

The Queen of the Apostles Prayer Book has returned, in a new, up-to-date edition. Bound in soft...


This is a small selection of what you can find in each of our Centres. If there is something you are looking for and cannot find it, please give us a ring or pay us a visit and we can help.


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