During the last five years of his life, spiritual leader and teacher Henri Nouwen became close to...
The NIV Bible In One Year is a popular daily Bible reading programme which makes it...
The Catholic Youth Bible, 4th International Edition, has a colourful and engaging design that...
This newly revised edition of We Share in the Eucharist features attractive, contemporary new...
This newly revised edition of We Prepare for Reconciliation features attractive, contemporary new...
Major feature films such The Passion of the Christ and Risen, and books such as...
New larger format, featuring larger text size and additional margin space for personal...
Creative Ideas for Primary RE through Circle Time, Group Activities and the Liturgical...
The Faith and Life Third Edition series is a minor update to the Revised...
If you are planning a marriage ceremony this book will be your guide. The Celebration of Marriage...
This new ritual book contains the mandatory text for the Order of Celebrating Matrimony, based on...
Life today is full of difficulties--loss, sadness, fear. In the midst of these challenges, joy...