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God, You Are: 20 Promises from the Psalms for Kids
William R. Osborne
[Hard Paper] 20/06/2023

The Psalms are full of “You Are” statements-like “You are my rock and...

Spirit of Catholicism
Boland Vivian
[Paper Back] 14/09/2023

The Catholic Church seems to be in serious crisis - disfigured by scandals, divided by...

Candle First Bible
Williamson Karen
[Hard Paper] 19/05/2023

18 favourite Bible stories. A bold and colourful Bible designed for children aged 2 years and...

Hello Happy! Mindful Kids: An activity book for children who sometimes feel sad or angry
Stephanie Clarkson, Dr. Sharie Coombes
[Paper Back] 27/07/2017

Hello Happy! is an interactive self-care activity book for children aged 7+ to colour and doodle...

Be Kind! Mindful Kids: An activity book for young people who care about others
Stephanie Clarkson
[Paper Back] 07/03/2019

A Mindful Kids Global Citizen activity book for young people to colour, doodle and DIY their way...

The Power of Ideas: Words of Faith and Wisdom
Sacks Jonathan
[Paper Back] 14/09/2023

From his appointment as Chief Rabbi in 1991, through to his death in November 2020, Rabbi Lord...

Green Theology: An Eco-feminist and Ecumenical Perspective
Van Montfoort Trees
[Paper Back] 31/01/2022

Green Theology is an urgent, far-reaching Christian theological reconsideration of the...

The Reception of Vatican II
Matthew L. Lamb and Matthew Levering, Ed
[Paper Back] 27/04/2017

From 1962 to 1965, in perhaps the most important religious event of the twentieth century, the...

Pilgrimage as Spiritual Practice: A Handbook for Teachers, Wayfarers, and Guides
Jeffrey Bloechl & André Brouillet, Ed.
[Paper Back] 16/08/2022

The ancient practice of pilgrimage has become increasingly popular in recent decades, in both...

Peace Train: A beautifully illustrated children’s book about hope, peace and love
Cat Stevens and Peter Reynolds
[Hard Paper] 11/05/2021

The iconic song is now an incredible picture book! Celebrate fifty years of Cat Stevens’...

I Am Infinitely Loved
Grogan Brian SJ
[Paper Back] 01/01/2017

New Revised Edition of this bestselling booklet! ‘When everything is said and done, we...

Five Minute Mum: Starting School
Daisy Upton
[Paper Back] 22/06/2023

Getting your child ready to start school can feel overwhelming, can't it? It's a big step...


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