An intimate collection of mantras and chants that sing of the heart’s journey into the...
Deep within the woods, amid the harry and hassle of endlessly proliferating demands - from work...
This is the eagerly awaited follow up to the best selling, Finding God in the Mess. In this new...
Since his election in 2013, Pope Francis has reinvigorated the Catholic Church and become one of...
In The Word on the Street, John Martens brings the Bible to where people live: in the church, at...
Transforming a parish is challenging, demanding, and sometimes messy work. In Divine...
A revised, special edition of Emmaus the gracious visit of God. A best-selling classic which has...
The psalms have something to say to us at every age, at every stage of our life's journey. ...
As a young man of eighteen, James Finley left home for an unlikely destination: the Abbey of...
With over 400 million Bibles in print, the New International Version is the world's most...
A Handbook for Catechists covers the essential skills, knowledge and understanding you need to...
Luke's account of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus has an amazing power to inspire us...