Luke continues to challenge our lives. Focusing on Jesus and his earthly ministry among the early...
The absence of stories of Jesus' birth and infancy, a minimum of Jesus' parables and a...
The Gospel of Matthew carries important lessons on the formation of community and of Jesus as...
Using the words of Pope Francis, this booklet takes us through the whole point and purpose that...
This lightweight, versatile, and easy-to-read volume combining the NABRE translation of the New...
While every character, story, and book of Scripture is significant in itself, stepping back for a...
Many of the Bible translations in the English language usually have an element of style and...
This paperback edition of the CTS New Catholic Bible is our most affordable full-size version of...
A new edition especially for Easter in this best-selling series of gift books `Jesus came to let...
Leon DuFour's Dictionary of Biblical Theology is written for Catholics who want to better...
Dennis Hamm stresses the unity between the Acts of Apostles and the Gospel of Luke. His...
The words, phrases, and stories of the New Testament permeate the English language. Indeed, this...