Thomas More, Martyr.
Born in London, he was a graduate of Oxford University, a noted humanist, apologist, literary scholar, lawyer, judge and parliamentarian who was at one time Speaker and Lord Chancellor. He was also a devoted husband and father.
He could not in conscience swear to the Act of Succession or the Oath of Supremacy under Henry VIII and was tried and executed for Treason on 6th July 1535 at Tower Hill. He is buried alongside St John Fisher.
His words from the scaffold were "The King's good servant, but God's first."
Pope John Paul II named him Patron Saint of Statesmen and Politicians in 2000.
Feast Day: Saints John Fisher, Bishop and Thomas More, Martyrs 22nd June.
In the Church of England SS. John Fisher & Thomas More are commemorated as Reformation Martyrs on 6th July.
Details of the Saint's Feast day(s) is printed at the top of the poster.