

Mother to Mother
Mother to Mother: Spiritual and Practical Wisdom from the Cloister to the Home
Mary Cuff PH D
[Hard Paper]

The unique ability of women to be mothers is a most precious gift. Whether a woman's vocation is to be a mother in the context of married life or the spiritual motherhood of religious life, both vocations have Our Lady as their source and inspiration. This similar calling to model the motherhood of the Blessed Mother suggests that lay mothers and religious nuns can benefit from each other's wisdom and experiences. Mother to Mother introduces moms to contemplative nuns who have offered their insight on the common struggles of motherhood. Through a series of questions and answers, these nuns from various orders take wisdom from their cloisters and offer it to mothers in the domestic Church. This includes advice on finding and utilizing silence, how to increase charity towards other mothers, and how to keep our children (and ourselves) engaged in the Mass, and more. Mother to Mother serves as a meditation upon the vocation of motherhood as both lay and religious mothers strive to be models of the Mother of God.

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