

Praying with the Bible: An Ignatian Guide
Praying with the Bible: An Ignatian Guide
Nikolaas Sintobin SJ
[Paper Back]

You can read the Bible. You can study the Bible. You can also pray with the Bible. Bestselling author, Nikolaas Sintobin, is your guide to making your bible a new way of praying The Ignatian way of praying with the Bible is simple and subtle at the same time. It is accessible to young and old alike. There are no prerequisites. You can pray with it for five minutes; you can pray with it for an hour or more. This easy-to-read book gives you fifty tips on all possible aspects of this way of praying with the Bible. Following on from the fifty tips, is a sequence of fifty Bible texts. With each text you get a short commentary and three suggestions for praying with it. Together they form a retreat called Following him. This retreat introduces you, at your own pace, to praying with the Bible, with a special focus on Jesus.

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