

36 Days & 36 Ways: Daily Meditations from Advent to the Epiphany - Year B D824
36 Days & 36 Ways: Daily Meditations from Advent to the Epiphany Year B
Wansbrough, Dom Henry, OSB
[Paper Back]

During the holy seasons of Advent and Christmas, the Church puts before us special readings for each day, helping us to celebrate the coming of Christ.

This booklet gives the biblical references and a few verses of the readings for each of the 36 days of Advent and Christmas, to the Epiphany. They include the four Sundays of Advent that are special for Year B. The reflections delve deep into the meaning of the Christmas story, moving from the themes of waiting and mystery to the joy of the incarnation and the redemption.

The passage for each day ends with a suggestion on how the reader might put the spirit of Christmas into action in celebrating the coming of Christ – not just as a world-changing event that happened over 2,000 years ago, but as something which changes our own lives here and now.

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