

This Present Paradise: A Spiritual Journey with St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
This Present Paradise: A Spiritual Journey with St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
Dwyer, Claire
[Paper Back]

Decades before Vatican II called for the sanctification of the laity, St. Elizabeth of the Trinity prophetically claimed that holiness is not exclusively the domain of priests and nuns but is truly for everyone.

God created the human soul to be a special channel of his grace on earth and to serve as a unique image of his love. Few saints have spoken to hearts as acutely as St. Elizabeth of the Trinity, who has helped even the busiest, weariest, and most distracted of us create an inner chamber within our souls where we can rest in God’s peace and love.

In this tender yet powerful book, author Claire Dwyer takes you on a spiritual journey with this little-known but fast-ascending saint. She shows you how to overcome aridity in prayer and discover ways to bring peace to familial relationships. You will learn how to identify and fulfil the specific mission God has for you and how to draw courage and meaning from the inevitable sufferings you will face. Best of all, you will learn how to encounter and live in union with God, which opens up a sanctuary of peace within your soul. The purpose of your life is not something to discover in the remote future. You can begin to live your ultimate end—union with the Trinity—right now in the secret centre of your heart, where the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit already dwell. St. Elizabeth of the Trinity has revealed the way.

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