

God's Little Book of Life
God’s Little Book of Life: Words of joy, peace and hope to live by
Daly Richard
[Paper Back]

A pocket-sized book filled with inspirational religious thoughts on the theme of peace, joy and hope.

There are some days in our lives that we never want to forget – they’re full of good memories, happiness and laughter. But there are also days that we struggle to remember, and a few that we wish didn’t happen at all. Yet it is God’s desire that we live life abundantly, but how can we do this? In God’s Little Book of Life, words of uplifting encouragement are always at hand to bring renewed inspiration and vigour to our daily lives. Filled with comforting Bible verses, spiritual thoughts and reflective journal pages, open this little book and you’ll find ways that will enable you to experience a life worth living.

“The future is today. Live for today, enjoy today – it comes but only once.”

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