

Mama: A World of Mothers and Motherhood
Mama: A World of Mothers and Motherhood
Helene Delforge
[Hard Paper]

A unique and touching celebration of the different facets of motherhood with striking portraits by an award-winning illustrator.

Powerful, emotive, unforgettable -- Mama speaks to all mothers in the international language of love.

This is a stunning collection of vivid portraits and intimate reflections on motherhood from around the globe. Mama uniquely portrays the emotions and experiences that unite mothers from different times and diverse cultures.

Twenty-one striking watercolour portraits and lively pencil sketches by acclaimed artist Quentin Greban are paired with Helene Delforge's lyrical words to create a thought-provoking celebration of motherhood in all its complexity: the satisfaction and the sadness, the frustration and the fun -- and, always, the love.

This moving and joyful book is a perfect gift for mamas everywhere.


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