

Prophetic Witnesses to Joy: A Theology of the Vowed Life
Prophetic Witnesses to Joy: A Theology of the Vowed Life
Mousseau Juliet
[Paper Back]

A life of consecration prefigures what Christians hope for by calling into question the value of power, sexuality, and material possessions. Religious life challenges the idea that these things alone bring happiness and shows that we can be more fulfilled, happier, and more whole without being attached to them. Furthermore, detaching ourselves from these desires allows others to live with more dignity and greater ease, as well. Consecrated life, then, is a prophetic witness to the joy of the eschatological call of Christianity. In the words of Pope Francis to religious men and women leading up to the Year of Consecrated Religious, "Wake up the world! Be witnesses of a different way of doing things, of acting, of living!"

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