Spanning various cultures, historical periods, and popularities, this illustrated compilation brings together the six volumes in the best-selling Little Book of Saints series. Containing stories of 62 holy men, women, and children, this collection offers a more comprehensive and current library that includes recent canonizations and beatifications.
Whether you are a teacher, parent, catechist, librarian, or someone looking for a unique sacramental gift, this hardcover edition will excite, educate, and engage children ages 5 - 8.
Unfolding through simple, short sentences and colorful illustrations by Patricia R. Matozzi and Tom Kinarny, each story offers a biographical portrait of the saint or blessed, highlighting the essential details of their lives.
Children learn about what these holy people were called to do and what their greatest contributions were. Each story closes with a prayer to the saint or blessed, inviting children to imitate their virtues. Whether it's the Blessed Mother's obedience, Saint Paul's trust, Saint Nicholas' generosity, Saint Peter's kindness, Blessed Teresa of Calcutta's charity, or Saint Anthony's studiousness, boys and girls alike will identify with, admire, and be inspired by these special friends of God.