

Story of God's Amazingly Awesome Rescue Plan
Story of God's Amazingly Awesome Rescue Plan
Dai Woolridge
[Hard Paper]

Strap in and let poet and storyteller Dai Woolridge take you on an epic adventure. You’ll find out how, after God's brilliant creation, people went wrong and then how, in the end, God makes everything right through Jesus. Will you accept God's invitation to fun-tastic friendship? After all, his rescue plan really is amazingly awesome!

Featuring fantastic illustrations that spark wonder and joy, and written in a heart-warming spoken-word style, this story is destined to be read out loud at story time. Children will discover that the birth of Jesus in a Bethlehem manger wasn’t a surprise, but God's rescue plan for his people all along.

This is more than a Christmas story, and more than an Easter story... this is THE story of God's amazingly awesome rescue plan. It will help you join the dots from creation, to carnage, to commandments, to Christ.

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