

Bible NLT Life Recovery Large Print
Bible NLT Life Recovery Large Print Hardback
[Hard Paper]

Discover freedom and hope in God's Word with Tyndale's Life Recovery Bible, the #1-selling recovery Bible with over 3 million copies in print. This powerful Bible for addiction emphasizes God as the ultimate source of recovery and offers essential tools and features to break people free from the grip of addiction. It is widely embraced in 12 Step recovery programs like Alcoholics Anonymous, correctional facilities, and by individuals seeking help taking their life back from destructive behaviours and substances.

In this Second Edition of The Life Recovery Bible, you'll find updated new articles on addiction recovery, along with a step-by-step life recovery meeting guide for leaders. This NLT Bible is a must-have resource for anyone starting or leading recovery groups in churches or communities. Seamlessly compatible with the original version, users of both editions can easily communicate and access shared notes and features.

Special features of this addiction recovery Bible include:

  • 12-step devotionals
  • Life Recovery Facilitator's Guide
  • Step-by-Step Life Recovery Meeting Guide
  • Article: Thriving in a Secular Recovery Group
  • Article: Life-Giving Recovery Groups in the Church
  • Resources page, directing readers to helpful books and online resources
  • The 12 Christian Foundations of Life Recovery
  • The 12 Self-Evident Truths of Life Recovery
  • Article: A Word about Addictions
  • Article: An Early History of Life Recovery
  • Comfortable Large 10.470-point font
  • Portable, yet spacious layout with a 7.563 x 10.688 in. trim size

The New Living Translation is a clear and accurate English translation of the Bible. It's easy to understand, and it conveys the precise meaning of the original languages in a flowing, effortless writing style that promotes accessible and meaningful reading.

Give the gift of healing and transformation with The Life Recovery Bible - a meaningful and impactful choice for loved ones on their journey to addiction recovery.


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