

Psalms for All Seasons For Voice MU02 A4
Psalms for All Seasons for Voice
Matthew J C Ward
[Hard Paper]

This volume of Mass psalmody for the whole Church year takes a novel approach rooted in the Church's liturgical seasons and ancient musical tradition. In order to tie the music of the psalms more closely to the liturgical cycle, each season – Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter and Ordinary Time – has distinct and contrasting melodies. This not only helps musicians and congregations to learn the melodies quickly and easily, but also functions in the same way as liturgical colours to lend a particular character to each season. Psalms for All Seasons offers a new way to 'sing the Mass' that complements other aspects of the liturgy and contributes to the beauty and unity of the celebration.

This volume of newly composed Gregorian-style Mass psalmody, using the same Abbey Psalter translation as the new Lectionary, closely ties the music of the psalms to the liturgical cycle. Voice edition.


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