

Praying with Jesus and Faustina during Lent
Praying with Jesus and Faustina During Lent and in Times of Suffering
Compiled by Susan Tassone
[Paper Back]

St. Faustina Kowalska (1905-1938) immersed herself in a vision of Christ's Passion that became a predominant theme in her famed Diary. In Praying with Jesus and Faustina during Lent and in Times of Suffering, award winning and best-selling author Susan Tassone presents the Diary's words of Christ and St. Faustina on his sorrowful Passion. The book will engage you in Jesus' horrific sufferings, giving you grace, light and strength to bear your own sufferings.

The book opens with daily Lenten meditations featuring the words of Jesus and St. Faustina on the Passion. Each day also includes both special reflections for times of suffering and a prayer. In the following chapters, St. Faustina will lead you through heartfelt prayers on the Way of the Cross, Christ's wounds, and on the Blessed Mother's sorrows. Susan also includes chapters on unique litanies, the Divine Mercy devotion, and confession.


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