

God's Influencer A Short Biography of Carlo Acutis
God's Influencer: A Short Biography of Carlo Acutis
Michael Collins
[Paper Back]

To his friends, Carlo Acutis was a talented teenager. Passionate about computers and his Catholic faith, his life would have been little different from his peers had he not died at the young age of 15. Yet after his sudden death, people began to recount stories of his kindness, generosity and empathy with people in difficulty. Over the past two decades since his death, Carlo’s life has been keenly scrutinised, and many find in him an inspiration of how to live a good life. Pope Francis has declared the young Carlo a saint, one of the youngest saints in modern times.

Who was Carlo Acutis? Why did he stand out and why was he admired by so many? This short biography introduces Carlo to new readers who want to find out more about the cheerful and kind young boy. The reader explores the world in which Carlo lived and recounts the main events of his brief life. As the Catholic world welcomes a new saint, new generations are learning the secret of living lightly and generously from the life of Carlo Acutis, God’s influencer.

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