

A Devotional Journey Into The Easter Story
A Devotional Journey into the Easter Mystery
Christopher Carstens
[Paper Back]

A Devotional Journey into the Easter Mystery sweeps readers through the various liturgical celebrations of Lent, the Paschal Triduum, and the Easter Season, unveiling the rich spiritual treasures contained in each. Based principally on the solemn texts themselves and on the writings of the Fathers of the Church, it clarifies the meaning and purpose of each celebration and suggests practical ways for participants to pray these observances more fruitfully.

Entering the celebrations from Ash Wednesday through Lent and the Easter Triduum with the holy insights contained here allows the faithful more effectively to engage Christ Himself, who meets us in these divine ceremonies.

A Devotional Journey into the Easter Mystery shows readers how prayerful participation in the Paschal Mystery brings life, joy, and holiness. It’s a powerful aid for every Christian who seeks to make Lent and Easter a truly life-changing experience.

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