These three colorful books offer gripping stories of how God shows his mercy and accomplishes his...
In the book of Wisdom, we find the literary voice of Solomon, the model king and seeker of wisdom...
These books, from what are often called the twelve prophets, continue to recount the story of the...
The books of Ezekiel and Daniel provide some of the most memorable stories and images of the Old...
The book of Isaiah uses both prose and poetry to engage readers in a drama of great emotion and...
What was originally part of an ongoing dialogue between Paul and the community at Corinth has...
Who would not relish the opportunity to read two-thousand-year-old letters? These four of the...
In his thorough, yet concise commentary on Galatians and Romans, Robert Karris, O.F.M. encourages...
Thought-provoking and understandable, Scott M. Lewis, SJ, breaks the Gospel of John down into...
Luke continues to challenge our lives. Focusing on Jesus and his earthly ministry among the early...
The absence of stories of Jesus' birth and infancy, a minimum of Jesus' parables and a...
The Gospel of Matthew carries important lessons on the formation of community and of Jesus as...