"He who follows me will not walk in darkness, but he will have the light of life." The...
Mark for Everyone (with Luke for Everyone) starts this exciting new series. Tom Wright's own...
Luke for Everyone (with Mark for Everyone) starts this exciting new series. Tom Wright's...
Tom Wright's own translation of the Gospel of Matthew is combined, section by section, with...
This text combines Tom Wright's translation of the New Testament with his comments on each passage.
Tom Wright's own translation of the Gospel of Matthew is combined, section by section, with ...
Writing in an anecdotal and approachable style, Tom Wright helps us to see the great sweep of the...
The first in a major new series of guides to the books of the Old Testament written in an...
Using personal anecdote, a witty and lively style, and drawing on his considerable theological...
A series of short, question-based study guides based around the New Testament For Everyone ...
A series of short, question-based study guides based around the New Testament For Everyone ...
The guides in this series by Tom Wright can be used on their own or alongside his New Testament...