


God and the Pandemic: A Christian Reflection on the Coronavirus and its Aftermath
Wright, Tom
[Paper Back] 28/05/2020

What are we supposed to think about the coronavirus crisis? Some people think they know:...

The Man You're Made to Be: A book about growing up
Saunders Martin
[Paper Back] 18/07/2019

What makes a man? The answer used to be easy. You chopped wood, you wrestled bears, and never...

Dementia: Living in the Memories of God
Swinton, John
[Paper Back] 31/01/2017

Winner of the Michael Ramsay Prize 2016 Dementia is one of the most feared diseases in Western...

Why Does Everything Always Go Wrong?
Williams Chris
[Paper Back] 01/04/2012

These amazing little books are potential life-savers. Using simple text and bold design, each ...

Cancer: A Pilgrim Companion
Straine, Gillian
[Paper Back] 19/01/2017

Someone in the UK is diagnosed with cancer every two minutes. A cancer diagnosis divides life ...

Be a Better Leader: Personality Type and Difference in Ministry
Osborne, Graham
[Paper Back] 15/09/2016

The purpose of this book is to enable Christian leaders to understand their psychological type,...

How Can I Believe? A Little Book Of Guidance
Cottingham, John
[Paper Back] 17/08/2017

"Why do we exist? Is there a God? What's the point of it all? These are some of the questions...

Healing Spiritual Wounds: Reconnecting with a Loving God after Experiencing a Hurtful Church
Merritt Carol Howard
[Hard Paper] 01/01/2017

An effective plan to help those suffering from wounds inflicted by the church find spiritual...

The Road Less Travelled
M. Scott Peck
[Paper Back] 15/03/1990

Confronting and solving problems is a painful process which most of us attempt to avoid. And the...

Essential Guide to Children and Separation: Surviving Divorce and Family Break-Up
Croly Jennifer
[Paper Back] 15/06/2013

Parents, grandparents, extended family, friends, teachers, youth workers and counsellors all need...

The 5 Love Languages of Teenagers: The Secret to Loving Teens Effectively
Chapman, Gary D.
[Paper Back] 01/05/2016

Socially, mentally, and spiritually, teenagers face a variety of pressures and stresses each day....

Forgiveness: Choosing to Receive and to Give
Herbers Virginia
[Paper Back] 19/06/2019

The Bible gives witness to the generously forgiving nature of God, and in turn, our call to...


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