


Healing the Soul of a Woman
Meyer Joyce
[Paper Back] 06/06/2020

Can a woman who has been deeply hurt by life's circumstances be healed, heart and soul? If ...

Mam an' Me: Living a Lifetime in a Day
Kieran J. Coote
[Paper Back] 31/05/2024

In Mam an’ Me: Living a Lifetime in a Day, author Kieran Coote draws together, in a...

Pastoral Care for Loneliness: A New Apostolate
Matthew Fforde
[Paper Back] 24/02/2023

A dramatic 'sign of the times', the epidemic of loneliness has been spreading in various...

Be Joyful: 50 Days to Defeat the Things that Try to Defeat You
Meyer Joyce
[Paper Back] 23/11/2023

In this 50-day guide, Joyce Meyer draws upon the teachings of the apostle Paul to help you...

Growing in Self-Esteem
Marie P Curley, FSP
[Paper Back]

Are you trapped by feelings of self-doubt or self-loathing? How do you cultivate a healthy...

Finding Inner Peace
Kathryn Hermes, FSP
[Paper Back]

Are you burdened by feelings of anxiety? Do you long for peace amid the worries and fears of...

Overcoming Every Problem: 40 promises from God’s Word
Meyer Joyce
[Paper Back] 20/07/2023

Joyce Meyer guides you through 40 promises in the Bible so that no matter what problem you face,...

Blessed in the Mess: How to Experience God’s Goodness in the Midst of Life’s Pain
Joyce Meyer
[Paper Back] 14/09/2023

Life is often messy. We hear people say, 'My life is a mess', or, 'This situation is ...

What I Wish People Knew About Dementia: From Someone Who Knows
Mitchell Wendy
[Paper Back] 02/02/2023

What can a diseased brain tell us about being human, living our own lives better and helping ...

One Last Thing: How to live with the end in mind
Wendy Mitchell
[Paper Back] 29/02/2024

Wendy Mitchell doesn't fear anything anymore. After her diagnosis of young-onset dementia in...

Dementia: A Very Short Introduction
Taylor Kathleen
[Paper Back] 01/10/2020

As more of us live longer, the fear of an old age devastated by brain diseases like dementia is...

Powerful Thinking
Joyce Meyer
[Hard Paper] 01/06/2021

Joyce Meyer has a knack for coining phrases (Joyce-isms) and one of her best loved...


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