


Saints on Sunday: Voices from Our Past Enlivening Our Worship
Ramshaw, Gail
[Paper Back] 01/08/2018

How might Ambrose of Milan, Hildegard of Bingen, and Catherine of Siena inspire us to improve...

Eucharistic Prayers for Concelebration 2011 RM05
[Paper Back] 11/06/2011

Suitable for up to four concelebrants. This book contains the following Eucharistic Payers:...

In Search of the Sacred Image
Nichols Aidan
[Paper Back] 12/12/2019

What sacred images should surround the faithful at worship and be available to them for...

The Extraordinary Form of the Mass: In Latin and English
[Paper Back] 01/01/2009

In 2007, Pope Benedict XVI issued his Summorum Pontificum, which specified that Latin-Rite ...

Book of Eucharistic Devotions RM28
[Hard Paper] 31/08/2018

This compendium of rites and devotions is a vital resource for clergy, ministers and others...

The Order of Confirmation RM22
[Hard Paper] 31/01/2016

This is a new translation of the rite of Confirmation from the Roman Pontifical, mandatory in...

Jesus, Our Hope: The Ministry of Our Lord
Benedictines of Turvey Abbey
[Paper Back] 01/05/2000

The ministry of Our Lord. This book is designed to help teachers, catechists, R.E....

Jesus, Our Way: The Final Events in the Life of Jesus
Benedictines of Turvey
[Paper Back] 01/05/2000

The final events in the life of Jesus. This book is designed to help teachers, catechists, ...

Cherishing Your Wedding: Guide to Prepare Couples for Marriage in the Catholic Church
Urdzik Kerry
[Paper Back] 15/06/2018

Preparation for marriage is a time of great excitement. However, it is too easy to get swept ...

Prayer of the Faithful for Various Occasions
[Paper Back] 15/04/2014

This book is offered as an aid in choosing the Prayer of the Faithful for various occasions,...

Divine Renovation: Beyond the Parish
Fr James Mallon
[Paper Back] 14/04/2020

The world is hungering for the fruit of a dynamic Church that has embraced her missionary...

Jesus Our Light: The Early Life of Jesus
Benedictines of Turvey Abbey
[Paper Back] 01/05/2000

The early Life of Jesus. This book is designed to help teachers, catechist, R. E. ...


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