


Saint Ignatius of Loyola: For the Greater Glory of God
Donna Giaimo, FSP
[Paper Back]

This famous founder of the Jesuits was born in 1491. He was from a Spanish noble family. As a ...

101 Saints and Special People
Schauber Vera
[Hard Paper] 08/09/2003

There is much to be learned from the lives of people who have shown courage in adversity. Many...

Saint Who Fought the Dragon: The Story of Saint George
Cornelia Mary Bilinsky
[Hard Paper] 01/11/2011

The timeless story of Saint George reveals what happens when a loyal soldier fights a dragon-and...

Padre Pio Ch50
Fabris Francesca

A beautifully illustrated life of a much loved saint. Padre Pio was a humble friar from a small...

Saint Jeanne Jugan: God's Tenderness for the World
Leclerc Eloi
[Paper Back] 22/09/2009

By declaring Jeanne Jugan, the foundress of the Little Sisters of the Poor, to be a saint, the...

Stories of the Saints
McAllister Margaret
[Hard Paper] 06/01/2015

This elegantly illustrated picture hardback collects together the stories of men and women,...

Saint Paul: The Thirteenth Apostle
Mary Lea Hill, FSP
[Paper Back] 01/02/2008

Saul was a Jew, born in Tarsus and brought up in Jerusalem. As a young man, he was very zealous...


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