

Claire Howell, 05/08/2018
The priesthood and religious life are counter-cultural; they are not the norm in today’s society. The world tells us that we should aim for a life filled with wealth and material possessions – the priesthood or religious life is not going to deliver that lifestyle.
Claire Howell, 30/06/2018
Facebook’s ‘Memories’ feature is like having your very own time machine as it reminds you where you were, what you were up to and who you were with on that particular date in the past. This can be a great source of amusement (and sometimes embarrassment).
Vocation to Love
Claire Howell, 02/06/2018
In my own discernment, I have been reflecting a lot recently on the relationship between vocation and love. I have come to the conclusion that a vocation is a response to love, with love.
God, I'm Listening
Claire Howell, 29/04/2018
Vocational discernment is a time of closeness and intimacy with God. With raw honesty we present ourselves to the Father and tell him we’re listening; we’re listening to Him and to His will for us.
Praying Woman
Claire Howell, 24/03/2018
It is important that we reflect upon whether or not the noise and distractions of our society make it difficult for us to find Jesus in our everyday lives. Are we too busy to seek Him? Is today’s world too distracting that it is hard to find Him? If the answer to either of those questions is yes, then we must challenge ourselves to do better.
Befriending the Saints
Claire Howel, 01/03/2018
St. John and his lived experience as an Apostle offers us an example of how discernment is a gradual process of revelation built upon a strengthening of faith. It may at times confuse us and it may bring us sorrow, but ultimately it will lead us to a life of unparalleled joy as when we give of ourselves in the service of God we fulfil our true purpose.
The Annunciation
Claire Howell, 01/02/2018
Hello and welcome to this new blog! I’m Claire, and I teach Religious Education in a Catholic secondary school in Scotland. Through this role I have the joy of sharing the Gospel with young people on a daily basis, and the privilege of accompanying them on their faith journey in coming to know Christ and his limitless love.

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